God is not in control of everything on earth

February 20, 2020

Beloved, I am fully persuaded that God is not in control of things on earth.

If he is, he will stop people from sinning because he hates sin. Also, everyone will be saved because he has the power to do it. If God is in control, he will stop people from driving above speed limit and eating what will harm their body. Yes, he will stop terrorist!!!

Man needs to start taking responsibility for what happens on earth. We need to stop blaming God. People say if God is there why did he allow innocent children to be killed. God is not responsible for that! Parents who refused to bring up children in the way of the Lord are responsible.

GOD CANNOT DO ANYTHING ON EARTH without the cooperation of a man. Let us read this scripture – Isa42:22 But look at his people. Others have defeated them and have stolen from them. The young men are afraid. They are locked in prisons. People have taken advantage of them, and there is no one to protect them. Others take their money, and there is no one to say, “Restore!” This means God is waiting on us to act -Restore what has been stolen. God said in Isa45:11 “Give me orders” – For the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker says this, “Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, And give Me orders concerning the work of My hands.
We should stop saying things like “God allowed bad things to happen me”

I have said this before that if you take out light, everywhere will be dark and anything can happen when it is dark.
This has nothing to do with God!

The first Adam was in control of the earth Gen1:26. He lost control to Satan who later became the god of this world. 2Corinthians 4:4. The last Adam got the control back and gave it to the church – Eph1:21.Mark 16:17-18. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Jesus gave the authority to rule the earth to Believers when he left but we can only rule WHEN WE ARE IN HIM. This is the problem!!!
A person who is not in fellowship with Christ, is without the Spiritual Head and does not have direction.
Anyone that wonders around can be a victim of anything! Brethren, we need to get back into fellowship with Christ to take control and get back what belongs to us. God will only make suggestions. He doesn’t control people!!! It is the devil that controls and possess people.
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