You will be promoted to where you will do much more and preserve nations.

January 26, 2022

The Lord will make you forget all your hardships and unpleasant experience and prosper you where you have been stressed, oppressed or abused.

I want to tell you a story. There are different levels of prosperity. The Lord showed me these 3 levels at our prayer meeting.
Level 1 is when your needs and that of immediate family are met.
Leve 2 is when you go over level 1 and met your neighbours need and
Level 3 is when you have power, influence and resources to preserve nations.

In Gen39:1-4 , Joseph prospered and was next in command to his boss. He was only a leader to servants like himself.

In Gen 39:21-23, he was promoted to be the Leader of those above his boss (King’s head cupbearer and the head baker). These people were closer to the King than his former boss. However this promotion took him to the prison, a place out of his comfort zone. Sometimes, you get opportunity to meet important people in prison of life!

Read what Joseph said in Gen45:6-7 to his brother who betrayed him – God sent me on ahead to pave the way and make sure there was a remnant in the land, to save your lives in an amazing act of deliverance. He set me in place as a father to Pharaoh, put me in charge of his personal affairs, and made me ruler of all Egypt.

This is a high level of prosperity with power and influence. Pharaoh said this about Joseph “Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is? You will be in charge of my country, and the people will obey all your commands. I will be the only one more powerful than you”.

Wow! May the Lord bring you to this level of honour and influence.

When the famine became serious in Egypt, people went to Pharaoh for help, he directed them to Joseph and said they must obey him. Gen41:37 says “the famine was bad everywhere. So people from the countries around Egypt had to come to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain”. No one could access food without Joseph!

I pray that:
The Lord will promote you from where you are supporting few to where you will support and help more people.
God will make you fruitful and very successful where you have suffered.
You have been speaking to few, it’s your time to speak to many and they will listen to what you have to say!

You will have an encounter with the Word of God today!

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