The Lord will give you peace that is beyond all understanding!
Jesus said “Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about.
Matthew 7:12 CEV”
However, doing this is sometimes responsible for the cause of arguments, disappointment , hurt, hate, unforgiviness, bitterness…… in relationships because people don’t always treat you the way you treat them.
Do you agree?
However, I will show you what we all need to do differently.
Col:17 says “Do things for people as if you are doing it unto the Lord”
Eph5 says submit unto one another in the fear of God!
People are in our lives for different reasons.
Some are like Judas Iscariot – they will take advantage of you and betray you. Do you know Jesus didn’t curse Judas after what he did?
Some are like Peter, they use you to make themselves relevant. They are more interested in what people say and not want you think.
There are people like John who will take care of your family. Hmm!!!
What about people like Thomas, they are so close to you but doubt what you can achieve. They only believe after seeing what you have achieved.
What about people like Mary, you think they understand what you said – No! Mary went to the tomb with spices to anoint Jesus who told her he will rise after 3rd day.
I noticed Jesus was never bitter about these people.
His concern was how to please God and finish the assignment God gave him.
Dear Friend, don’t treat people the way you want them to treat you, treat them the way God wants you to treat them so you can get your reward from the Lord.
Have a lovely day!
I pray you will have an encounter with the Lord!
Have a wonderful day!
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