Flow with what the Lord is doing!
Faith is taking the first step on a ladder believing you will get to the end.
I pray that God will open your eyes to see what he is doing and give you the grace to walk and work with him.
Doing things our away will only prolong the journey – if we get there in the end!
Faith moves us in the direction God wants us to follow.
May the Lord send a word that will bring you out of where you are not supposed to be and lead you to where you need to be – the garden he has planted for you.
The journey from Egypt to the land of Cannan should take about 40 days according to Bible scholars- Read Gen13:17-18.
However, God took them through another route (a longer one) because he knew they could change their mind on the way.
Changing your mind about what the Lord ask you to do will only prolong the journey.
When Abraham cooperated with his wife to have a child through a maid, God didn’t say anything to Abraham for 14 years (please read the scriptures again – Gen16).
God did not even reveal the name of Ishmael to Abraham, the name was given to Hagar.
When we are not ready to listen to what God has to say, he will send someone else to speak to us.
My friend, find and follow those who through faith and patience obtained the promise.
Join a fellowship that will help you understand faith and how the purpose of faith.
Living by faith is the only way to please God!!
When God shows you what is bigger than you , he is not asking you to do it , he just want you to trust him to work through you.
Don’t look at the challenge – Look unto to Jesus and follow whatever he says. He has the final say on all things.
I pray you will see and enter into what the Lord is doing this month. You will have a story, God’s story – not your story. Rom4:1-3 says “Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own”
Stay blessed.
Have a lovely day
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