The Holy Spirit will comfort you. He will manifest his healing power in and through you and make you whole.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will rise up within you and intercede (pray) for you!
I pray that the Holy Spirit will quicken (bring back to life) every dead situation in your life.
The Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same – 2Cor3:17,John14.
We need to understand that our Lord Jesus couldn’t do much on earth without the power of the Holy Spirit Acts10:38.
Therefore, you need the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you right now!!!
We ask people to pray for us but the Holy Spirit is the best advocate and intercessor.
Since I got the revelation about praying in tongues, I don’t say a long prayer for people again. I just pray as led by the Holy Spirit.
The truth Is the person that needs to pray for you is the Holy Spirit and not your spiritual leader.
See I know about James5:14 ( Pastors praying for people) but I want you to read what the scripture says about the Holy Spirit: “At times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.
Romans 8:26TPT”
Read this again:
For if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays- 1Cor14:14a
Therefore, Pray in tongues right now [by the Holy Spirit that is within you] and also pray [intelligently] with your mind and understanding –
1 Cor14:25 AMPC
If you want to be baptised with the Holy Spirit so you can pray in tongues, please get in touch.
May the Lord give you understanding.
Have a lovely day
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