TextWord today:
You are a king and a priest to our God- Rev1:6
You are a king meant to reign in the market place. You were created to be the head and not the tail. You are created to come up with ideas, solutions that will improve the situation. You have the wisdom people are looking for. You are supposed to make things work and make things easy for people. You are meant to help people and not always look for help!
You are carrying a treasure in an earthen vessel
You are also a PRIEST meant to offer sacrifices of praise to our God
The scripture says in 1Pet2:9 ” You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, God’s own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”
You are a WONDER made to show the wonderful works of God. You are created to add colour and make people smile.
Elisha was a CEO and a Prophet.
He led few people as a CEO but led a nation as a PROPHET ( a spiritual person).
When you live a natural life , your impact with be small. When you live a supernatural life , your impact will be great!
Natural life comes from our parents and it will fade away.
Supernatural life comes by reading the Scriptures and hearing the word of God and letting the Holy Spirit transform your life into what you see in the Scriptures.
That is what it means to be born again!!!
Read John3:3-6 and 1Pet1:25 again.
May the Lord give you understanding!
Have a lovely day
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