You will not spend all your money on sickness.
You will not live the rest of your life on medication! Receive your healing right now in Jesus name!
I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring back to life every dead situation in Jesus name.
Jesus said ” Whatever is born of the physical remains physical – it will pass away and whatever comes from the Spirit is Eternal” John3:6.
In plain English – Jesus said “Natural realm only gives birth to things that are natural, but the SPIRITUAL realm gives birth to SUPERNATURAL life!
John 3:7TPT.
Do you just want to live naturally or you want to have supernatural experience?
If you want a Supernatural experience you must be Born Again and this is a continuous process.
Jesus said to be BORN AGAIN means to receive a new life that comes from the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
It means to exchange the life you got from your parents with a new life that comes from God through Jesus Christ.
God does not live on medication, has no disease to pass on – why should you live on medication or bondage of sickness?
ARISE from the depression and prostration in which circumstances of life have kept you-rise to a new life based on God’s word! Isa60:1
Our goal should be to look like “What God said in his Word” through the help of the Holy Spirit and not like our parents who the society wants us to be.
We all look like our parents physically and may eventually die like them.
Please don’t live and die like your parents Don’t worship God like they did-Discover God for yourself!
Receive a new life from the word of God and live forever.
Look for a Bible, read it and pray that the Holy Spirit will show you what you need to become from what you have read.
2Cor3:18 says And all of us, as continue to behold in the Word of God as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, we are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another by the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord give you understanding!
Have a lovely day
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