I pray that you will be filled continually with the Holy Spirit. And your hearts will overflow with the joy of the Lord.
I want us to critically examine why we must ONLY pray in the SPIRIT as from now.
God DOES NOT ANSWER ALL PRAYER. We need to understand this!!!
Honestly, look around you and you will understand what I am saying.
For example, God resists the proud (James4) . He keeps them at a distance so he does not even hear their prayers. A proud person is someone who does not consider God’s way of doing things. They only see things from their perspectives.
A prayer FAITH comes from the SPIRIT and not from our HEAD. Most of the things on our prayer list are from our head that is why we don’t get answers!
Only 3 people prayed and fasted for 40 days in the Scriptures and they were all led to do it by the Spirit. Don’t kill yourself with Prayer and Fasting!!!
It is only the WORDS that comes from the SPIRIT that gives life (John6:63) and HEARTFELT prayer that make tremendous power available (Jam5:16).
We must learn to pray from our heart (our spirit) and not from our head (our mind).
The language you speak in prayer does not matter, it is WORDS that comes FROM YOUR HEART (through the SPIRIT) that matters.
When your HEART is far from God, he cannot hear your Prayers ( Matt15:8).
The first and best way to Pray in the SPIRIT is by praying in TONGUES.
When you pray in TONGUES, What you pray comes from the SPIRIT and not your Head.
Praying in tongues makes one speak APPROPRIATE words that people and ANGELS will hearkens unto. Read Act2:4-11.
Therefore, Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit (Eph6:18)
In order to pray in TONGUES you must be baptised in Holy Spirit. Email info@havenofglory.com to learn more.
May the Lord give you understanding!
Have a lovely day
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