This story may bless you!

January 24, 2023

Always put your confidence in God.

It’s only God that will never leave nor forsake you because the person who made the promise may not be there when it’s time to fulfil the promise.

Please don’t take important decisions based on what someone said – it doesn’t matter whether they are parents, close friends , Prophet…. Always find out God’s views through the Holy Spirit.

I worked for an organisation and a job opportunity for promotion came up.

My manager called me and another colleague and said he prefers one of us and we should go and think about it.

My colleague said, Bukky, “you taught me everything I know about this role. It’s my time to pay you back. Apply for the role because I am not going to”.

So this colleague told the manager it’s going to be me.

I was excited because the job looks as good as mine. I saw it as a reward for all the hard work and how I helped the company.

The manager told the HR to put out the advert.

Guess what?

A day after the role was advertised, a new Director was appointed. He stopped the advert and introduced some measures in the team my manager didn’t like (Apparently the measures were introduced to force him out).

To cut the long story short, they settle my manager and he left. The Director re-advertised 3 roles and was confident this time around I will get one of the roles.

He told me ” Bukky I really like what you are doing and I want you to please continue because we don’t have a replacement for you now”

I still applied but was not offer the job. As matter of fact I have to train one of the persons recruited who left after one month!

So, I still continue to work though not happy but always thank God since the scripture says in all things we should thank God. I was still very committed to serving God!

One day I was driving into the office and the Holy Spirit said “RESIGN”. This was a ridiculous decision because I have no other job to go into and I have 4 family members in Uni so I needed another role with all the money I can get .
Since I know the voice of the Holy Spirit, I obeyed.

I gave my letter to my new manager who forwaded it to HR ( they cautioned the manager later for not negotiating with me before telling HR)

4 days later, I was driving into the office and the Holy Spirit said, they will invite you to a meeting and offer to increase your pay. If they ask you how much “Don’t say anything , tell them you did not resign because of pay but wanted recognition”

So it happened as I was told by the Holy Spirit.

I was asked, ” how much can we pay you so we can keep you. We really need you. I said “Nothing”.

The negotiation ended and a week later the Director called me and said what type of recognition do you want. I said, I want to be able to attend some senior management meetings so I could learn as part of my career development.

He said he wants to give me a pay rise, I said, please do whatever you like.

So, I was made an offer more than what I could have asked for myself (better than the pay of the role I applied for) and was given a letter so no one can change that offer.

6 months later , the Director recommended me for company award for “Innovation” and I won!

After this , ………will tell you more later on after reading the text below!!

Tell me what bless you from this story- It will be good to know you are reading my post.

Remember this:
God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!

He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!
Ephesians 3:20-21(MSG)

May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day

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