You will do wonderful things this month through the power of the Holy Spirit!
The Lord will send his word to heal you and deliver you from those planing evil against you.
May the Lord give you children ( biological and spiritual) that will be a sign and wonder in this generation.
Jesus said come unto me and “I WILL MAKE YOU…..) .The invitation was for us to be made to have SIGNS as a proof we are from Jesus.
It’s a shame today that we are following signs rather asking the Holy Spirit to annoint us to produce the signs.
We worship those who produce signs even more than God who did the signs through them.
Jesus told the Apostle to preach the gospel and said the signs below will follow those who believe.
Are you are Believer? If yes, then these signs ought to follow you.
Let us read what Jesus said in Mk16:17-18 “Everyone who believes me will be able to do wonderful things. By using my name they will
1. Cast out demons, and
2.they will speak new languages (Tongues).
3. They will handle snakes and
4.will drink poison and not be hurt.
5.They will also heal sick people by placing their hands on them.
Are any of these signs following you?
Whatever you think of is what will happen to you. If you think about these signs that Jesus said then you will experience them.
This month we are going to look at one of the signs “The Power to Speak new languages -Tongues”.
Acts2:4 says “The Holy Spirit took control of everyone, and they began speaking whatever languages the Spirit let them speak”
Something happened when the Holy Spirit spoke through them on the day of Pentecost.
Are you going to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you going forward?
May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day
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