There is NO PEACE for the wicked! (Textword10323).

March 1, 2023

There is no peace for the wicked, says the Lord-
Isa 48:22AMP

A wicked person is someone who will not allow others to live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness. So I declare there will be no peace for the politicians with policies that caused hardship for the people.

A wicked person is someone who allowed innocent people to die through negligence or deliberate act.

A wicked person is someone who knows the right thing and refused to do it and allow people to suffer.

A wicked person is someone who refused to pay their employees and make them suffer because of this.

A wicked person is someone who took advantage of vulnerable people.

A wicked person is someone who deceived others to take advantage of them.

Until they repent, there will be NO PEACE for the wicked person!

A wicked prophet prophesied what the Lord has not say to manipulate people.

A wicked person is someone who sacrificed the future of others because of immeadiate gain.

A wicked person is someone who kept quiet or rejoice when others are suffering especially the poor.

A wicked person is someone who took part in corruption.

I declare that there will be confusion amongst those who are working against you and they will abandon their project to hurt you.

Wicked people will become restless until the confess their sin and abadon their wicked ways.

Jesus cursed the Fig tree and said” No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.
Mark 11:14 KJV”

This Fig tree deceived many with his appearance. I believe Jesus knew the fig tree had no fruit BUT he wanted to put an end to the DECEPTION by this tree.

Enough is enough, every deception will be exposed!!! The Truth will prevailed in Jesus name.

Other words for “wicked” are unrighteous, ungodly, godless, impious, profane, blasphemous; immoral, profligate, corrupt, depraved, dissolute; heinous; infamous, villainous and there will be no peace for people with this attributes.

Christians don’t know God expects us them to use their words to:
Root out, and to pull down,
Destroy, and to throw down,
Build, and to plant. Please read
Jeremiah 1:9-10,Isa54:17.

To have Peace means;

1.Perfect well-being, 
2.Have all necessary good,
3.Have spiritual prosperity, 
4.Freedom from fears 
5.Freedom from agitating passions 
6.Freedom from moral conflicts

2 Peter 1:2 AMPC

There 6 attributes will increase in the lives of righteous people this month. However, WICKED people will lack these things until they repent!

Have a lovely day

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