Fresh start! (Textword240423)

April 25, 2023

The Lord will give you a FRESH start!

He will put your life back together again.

Sarah was past the age of child bearing at 90 but she received strenght to conceive because God gave her a fresh hope, vision and strenght.

You will get a new energy and hope will rise on the inside of you again.

Moses tried to lead his people out of Egypt at 40. His people rejected him. He spent 40 years in the wilderness and must have forgotten about his dream. Then God visited him, gave him a fresh start and he became the leader of those who rejected him

The lord will give you a fresh start.

You will sense his grace and love in a new way.

Laban cheated Jacob by changing his wages 10 times. God gave him a fresh start by making him rich, God reconciled him with his brother Esau who wanted to kill him.
Finally God gave him a new NAME.

God will do something new in your life and you will be called by a new name.

This is our prayers for you today.

May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day

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