Why they passed through the Red Sea PT 1? (Textword170523).

May 17, 2023

A Significant event will happen that will make people start all over again.


You can do so by praying in the Spirit.

There will be a fresh start!!!

I heard that voice clearly in my spirit.

To some, it has already started.

Maybe you lost someone , business, job ……. Jesus said in Matt5 “You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you”

DEATH is actually the BEGINING of a new LIFE!

Maybe you changed location or job or career and things are not the same and you are wondering what is going on.

Whatever has happened is an opportunity for a fresh start.

Different things happens in life that make us start again.

When you retire from work, new life just begins.

When your kids move out ( trust me it will happened), it’s begining of a new life!

When one is diagnosed with a critical illness , it’s begining of a new life!

Spring is one of the seasons of life and it represent FRESH START. That means we must all start something new every year!

I have carefully study the map of the journey of Israelites and observed there are many ways to the land Cannan without passing through the Red Sea BUT God chose this way for them – Why?

I have at least 3 reasons but will tell you one in this message.

1. Becuase of their UNBELIEVE. Ex13:17 says the way through the land of Philistine was the shortest ( around 40 days journey) but God said " They may change their mind and go back to Egypt when they see war"

Why are you doubting? You did’nt wake up today because you are a better person but for God mercy.
Therefore, since you are alive why don’t you just trust God.

Elder James said anyone that doubt cannot receive anything from God.

The way to get things from God is through FAITH.

God is looking for people who can build their faith and do exploit for him.

Build your Faith!

Don’t just pray because you have a need, PRAY TO BUILD YOUR FAITH.

Beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher] by praying in the Holy Spirit Jude1:20

It’s time for FRESH START!
It’s season of New beginnings !!!

God bless you.

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