Produce your best in a good soil! (Textword270523).

May 27, 2023

A soil will make you work hard to produce while another will make you blossom!

You are a seed and at the same time a soil – I pray this post will bless you!

Your parent, spouse, friend, boss, organisation, community, spiritual leader are different types of soil you can grow in.

The Lord will give you a clue today and show you the next steps.

Actually, everything will be made plain or was made plain in a dream to you.

The Lord has healed someone with a viral infection that is causing you terrible pain.

Jesus said in the parable of the sower that the chances of finding a good soil is 1:4 (25%). In the parable, Jesus said the soil represents the hearts of men.

The interesting thing about the story is that the quality of the seed is the same but it produces different results in the 4 types of soil.

Our life is like a seed and we produce different result in different environment.

Have you noticed that hanging around some people make you accomplish much more? You beg some people to help you and some are willing to help you but you took their offer for granted!

The parable says chances of finding good soil(people) is 25%.

So it means people with good hearts are not common. When you find someone with a heart of gold, make sure you get the best out of them.

It’s not all men that work hard, take care of their families, and create space for growth. . If you have one, don’t just enjoy him take advantage of the opportunity to produce good fruit – achieve the best in life!

If you have a wife who contributes 50% or more and still cook and respect you, God will ask for what you did with your talent if you did not multiply it. Don’t take such women for granted!

If you have a boss that is not stressfull, take advantage of their goodness to develop yourself to grow in your career. Hmm, I’ve had bosses I didn’t learn anything from them. Some bosses are like thorny soil – they choke you! …you are working but not making impact!

Some organisation pays a lot for you to do their job but you won’t have time to enjoy the money or develop your skills to progress in your career. I’ve been there before! That’s why some people are afraid of retirement!

If you have a spiritual leader that teaches you the word of God especially those who show you how to read the scriptures, take care of them. Some Pastors are hireling! They are in it for what they will get.

Do you know having children that obeys you , who don’t do drugs, drink is a privilege? What will you do if you have a 27 years old on the street or a daughter that made you a grand parent at 15! Thank God for good children and use resources you would have spent on difficult children to bless other people..

Look for a good soil to plant yourself!

Look for a well watered garden , not so you can enjoy but so you can grow, blossom and bear fruit.

If you celebrate 15 years wedding or relationship aniversary and your life is not better, then you are not on a good soil!

You have been through enough pain.
Pray that God will plant you in a garden of Eden!.

Don’t look for good looking people, look for people with a good heart!

It’s time for FRESH START!
It’s season of New beginnings !!!

God bless you.

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