Ask for Rain!(Textword080623)

June 8, 2023

These are the 3 important questions you must ask to solve a problem or become successful.

Ask yourself,
Why did this happen?
What should I do?

I will cover these in detail another post.

Learn how to say EFFECTIVE prayer and don’t just pray!

No matter how good a seed and a soil is , without water the seed will not grow and bear fruit.

You need rain- for the seed you have planted to grow.

A seed is an input you made to get a result or profit..

For example, you got a qualification so you can get a job that will pay you to live a good life.

Just because you have a job doesn’t mean you will earn enough to live a good life!

The Blessing of the Lord makes truly rich and TOILING does not increase it (Prov10:22)

Your word is a seed!!!

There is financial seed.

Seed is an INPUT you make to get a desired OUTPUT or OUTCOME.

When you don’t get the desired outcome from your input ” Ask the Lord for Rain”

In the begining, God created plants with his words. However, nothing grew until it rained-Gen2:5.

Rain is what comes from HEAVEN that makes our input to produce abundant harvest.

There is rain water that make plants grow.

When the windows of Heavens are opened, Rain water, Blessings (good health, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, insight..), Righteousness ….are pour down on earth.

The OUTPOURING of the Spirit is a form of RAIN!

Isa32 says “The palace shall be deserted UNTIL the Spirit is pour on us from above, then the wilderness will become a fruitful field”

STOP trying to make things work laborious, ask for Rain!!!

How do you pray to get rain!


To pray in the Spirit means to ALLOW the Holy Spirit to give you words to say in prayer. Praying in TONGUES is part of it.

Zec10:1 says I, the Lord, am the one who sends storm clouds and showers of rain to make fields produce. So when the crops need rain, you should pray to me.
Zechariah 10:1 CEV

I pray that God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out His blessing on your life.

God bless you.

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