Something that will make people fear God! (Textword170623)
This is a significant year!
It’s a year you will never forget.
In the year King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord(Isa6:1). Don’t worry about what you’ve lost! Be excited about what you will see!
It’s a year of encounter and God will do something in your life that will make people fear God.
Elijah prayed for rain not to fall and then he prayed again and it rained but this miracle didn’t real make the headlines!
However, when God answered him by fire everyone talked about it and when people think about Elijah today , they say “God that answers by fire!”
If people who don’t know God get things we are praying and fasting for , then there is no incentive for them to follow our God.
God made the Israelites to pass through red sea not because they can’t get to Cannan land by road. He did something that will put fear in the heart of people for 38 years. No one had ever crossed the red sea on ground before then!
Rahab (the prostitute) said ” we heard about what God did for you and we were afraid – she testified about this 38 years after the event.
Ah, God will do something for you that you will remember for years.
There was a terrible storm and flood in a village, all the house were destroyed except one. The owner became a missionary for years because people want to hear about how God saved just his own house. .
Gibeon heard of what God did to Jericho becuase of the israelited and they were afraid and offered to become their servants.
If your company knows the reason they are propering is because of you, do you think they will let you go?
People should want you because you are adding value – this is very important in relationship!!!
Everyone decided to worship the God that preserved Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the furnace of fire that killed the soliders that threw them in the fire (Daniel 3).
My friend, it’s time for us to trust God to do things in our lives that will make people talk and respect our God.
You got a small miracle, a job and we can’t see you in fellowship. You are very busy right!
No problems , it’s because you have not heard an encountered that will make you leave all and follow God.
Peter worked hard all night and caught nothing but when he had an encounter with A Word from Jesus and caught multitude of fishes, he LEFT all and follow Jesus (Mk5).
Paul didnt get a miracle (he was rich and influential before his conversion) . However, he had an encounter that made him followed Jesus 100%.
I wanted to write about how to get wisdom today, I saw something in Daniel 1 I wanted to show you but that will be for another time.
I hope this Holy Spirit inspired message has blessed you.
Our commitment to God is determined by our ENCOUNTER with God and not miracles from God!.
May the Lord give you an encountered that will help you worship God in a new way!
Have a lovely day!
God bless you.
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