Stop Gambling! (Textword200823).

August 26, 2023

Before you stop reading , hear this “Anyone without a Strategy is A GAMBLER!”

I really pray your eyes will be open to see beyond the present and act based on the BIGGER PICTURE!!!

I did not understand the importance of STRATEGY until recently.

The reason you are failing as a Trader is because you don’t have a Strategy!

To everything in life, there is an Entry and Exit sign and time.


Even the scripture says, “Surely there is an end and your expectation shall not be cut short” Pr23:18.

The problem is we sometimes don’t have an EXIT strategy so our expectation is cut short!

Let me ask you a question, ” When do you plan to retire?”

Oh , you think you are still young right!

I wish I planned for retirement when I was 35 or even 40, I would have taken different decisions that would have given me a different outcome now – in all things I still give thanks!

Life should have 3 stages

1. When you work to earn money
2.When your money ),investment) is earning money for you
3.When people are working for you. 

Hmmm, some spent their life raising family and children and have become bitter now because people they laboured for don’t really care.

May the Lord show us his mercy, love and favour!

Have you thought about Exit strategy when kids leave home or do you think they will live with you forever?

Even in relationship, marriage to be specific, we do not think about Exit strategy , – yes Exit STRATEGY!!!.

I have seen people who became a shadow of themselves after the loss of their PARTNER or relationship breakdown.

Thank God for friendship, family and good people. However, this will end one day.

Some have depended so much on their partner or some make their partner to depend on them- Relationship is meant to build each others strenght.

Many people will visit after the loss of loved one but most won’t be around after a month to help pay bills or fill the vacuum created.

That is why I am asking you, what is your EXIT strategy?

If you love each other, you will both talk about exit strategy, for example, getting a job that will pay a huge sum for the person left behind or taking out insurance ……..

I pray God gives us a long life!!!

Looks like I am drifting but seriously it’s time to STOP Gambling and have a strategy.

Without a vision you cannot have a strategy. One scripture puts it right,

“Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish- Pr29:18”.

Don’t just work, have a strategy.
Don’t just go to school, have a strategy,
Don’t just do business , have a strategy!
Don’t just have children , have strategy.
Don’t just start a business, have a strategy?

Don’t just buy, sell, give, receive….have a strategy.
Hope this bless you.

May the Lord give you wisdom.

You will find love this month.

Have a wonderful day!

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