The ship sailed smoothly until Jonah came on board. He was a good man but carried a curse momentarily due to disobedience.
Jonah’s presence brought about a storm!
The danger of having a Jonah in your life is that you may not know they are responsible for the trouble you face unless you cast lots.
Get rid of Jonah, and the storm will subside!
Anyone can be a Jonah, similar to Achan who took the accursed thing (Josh 7).
Anyone walking in disobedience is a potential “Jonah” or “Achan.”
This means you could be a Jonah in a place, church, relationship, organization… if you walk in disobedience.
36,000 died because of Achan’s sin, and the whole ship would have been lost because of Jonah if the owners didn’t take action.
I pray you will not partake in another person’s sin in 2024.
I asked the Lord, “How do we recognize a Jonah?”
Jonah slept while others worried (Jonah 1:5). He couldn’t be bothered!
People who don’t show concern or make an effort to get things right are likely to be Jonah. Remember, they don’t have to be bad people.
You wouldn’t know when people disobeyed God or carried a curse, but you can tell from their attitude.
Watch out for Jonah’s!!!
Ask the Lord about those who are meant to go with you. Gideon started with 32,000, but God reduced it to 300. The 300 fought the Midianite army of 135,000 men.
It is not by might or power but by the Spirit of God.
Romans 9:16 says it is not a question of human will and effort but of God’s mercy.
It’s your turn to receive mercy (
I am Bukky Adeosun, bringing insights from the scriptures to transform people’s lives.
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