Grace to know things hidden from you!

August 10, 2024

The Lord will show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of, or understand).

Proverbs 29:18 (MSG/AMP) says, “If people can’t see what God is doing, they perish.”

My story today is about an immigrant who separated from his uncle because of strife. God told his uncle to leave their native land alone, but his uncle decided to take him along, contrary to God’s instruction.

“Whatever God has not given you will eventually find its way out of your life.”

I command whatever is causing you pain and hardship to go now.

There was a quarrel between this man’s servants and those of his uncle, but the man did not resolve the issue, so his uncle asked him to separate from him.

Separate yourself from people causing strife. Where there is strife, there is confusion and every evil work (James 3:16).

So Lot (the man in this story) separated from his uncle (Abraham). The choice of the place he migrated to is what I want to discuss in my story today.

He went to a place that looked like the Garden of Eden—a beautiful place, but the people were terrible.

Genesis 13:13 says, “The people of Sodom were very wicked. They did not obey the Lord at all.”

Many of us have looked for greener pastures in a place where people have no regard for God. We are in a good land, but our children have followed the bad ways of the people of the land.

May the Lord save our children!

Lot did not get in touch with his uncle again after he left him. He was enjoying the good things of Sodom! Some of us have settled in a new place and forgotten to connect with our family, especially our nuclear family. When there is a serious problem, you need family to help you.

The city where Lot lived was attacked, and he was taken captive. Abraham came to the rescue to save him, but still, Lot did not visit his uncle nor take his daughters and wife to meet him.

Can you imagine what Lot’s daughters said after they left Sodom? “Our father is old, and there is no man to marry us. Let’s get him drunk so he can have sex with us, and we can raise children through him” (Genesis 19:31-32).

Hmmm, what about their family in Ur of the Chaldeans? What about the good servants in Abraham’s house? Lot’s daughters had children through their father, and they became the Moabites and Ammonites. I will tell you their story one day.

A time came for the destruction of Sodom. God visited Abraham and told him the city was about to be destroyed.

God doesn’t judge quickly; He gives people the opportunity to repent. He is waiting for us to change our ways.

My friend, many things are happening in our lives and families that we don’t even know about. May the Lord show you things before they happen.

If Abraham had known that Sodom would be destroyed and Lot would lose everything, do you think he would have allowed him to choose that city?

Although Abraham prayed for Sodom, his prayer could not save the city. Ten righteous people were required to save the land. Lot did not evangelize to have more righteous people! Don’t think only about yourself; tell someone about Jesus!

Lot lost everything he worked for over 20 years.

He chose Sodom based on logic, appearance, and opportunity and lost everything, including his wife!

Many of us today have made wrong decisions based on what we saw at the time. You married someone who looked good, but that person has now become a source of pain.

The business proposal seemed good, but now you are in trouble.

The Lord will deliver you and give you another chance.

May the Lord give you the grace to know things before they happen.

Have you learned any lessons from this story?

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Have a lovely day.


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