May the Lord give you the grace to know when the Lord is not building with you and stop.
I pray that you will follow Jesus and learn the unforced rythm of Grace and how to get things done without stress!
Ps 127:2 said they built but it was in vain.
Some went to school and get certificate but it was in vain!
Some worked and are still working but in vain. They can’t even feed their family talkless of blessing others!
Some built houses but it was in vain because neither they nor their children could use the house. Some people including some religious organisation can’t use their big building again in the UK because they can’t heat the building!
Some have eyes but can only see what others can see, some can’t even see!
Some marry but it was in vain.
Some have children and it’s like they didn’t have children and some have parents that have abandoned them.
Some worked hard for a company and got pension that could not sustain them.
Pro10:22 says the BLESSING of the Lord it makes truly rich and TOILING does not increase it.
Let’s read Ps127:1-2 again, EXCEPT THE Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to take rest late, to eat the bread of anxious toil–for He gives [blessings] to His beloved in sleep.
Abram laboured for 14 years to raise Ishmael that God did not even count as one of his children.
So Abram became a father ( of Ishmael) before he became the Father of many nations through Isaac!.
Please stop doing things that will not count before God.
There many things we laboured to get and people think we are successful and praise us but yet it doesn’t count before God.
God told Abraham -Take your son, your ONLY son Isaac – Gen22:2 but Abraham had another child Ishmael. Why was the word ONLY son used?
In Gen17:21 God said to Abram “But My covenant, My promise and pledge, I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year”
Abram thought the promise God gave him will be fulfilled through Ishmael but God said “NO”.
My Friend don’t waste your time trying to do things by your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Live by FAITH, FLOW with God, find out want he wants from you and live for him.
Start reading the scriptures , let it speak to you, give you a vision and run with it!
God bless you!
May the Lord give you understanding!
Have a lovely day
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