A visit to your future

January 6, 2022

A visit to your future!

Surely there is an end and your expectations will not be disappointed.

May Lord give you fresh hope, renew your strength and give the courage to hold on.

Abraham believed in hope against all hope. Trust me it was not easy and I perceived you may be feeling like you’re tired right now.

Maybe yours is that you have been waiting and don’t know how you’ll wait for.

Especially when you have done everything you know and they told you to do.

You might have even get used to the challenge like the Shunnamite woman iin 2Kings4:13 that needs a child but said “I need nothing” when Elisha asked her what she wanted. That is living in denial and God wants to bring out of that!

There is something else you need to do, ask the lord to give you a peep into your future. What you are seeing currently is not helping you!

Abram said to God: “What will you give me seeing I am going childless?”

Maybe yours is that you have no companionship and time is running out

It could be a health challenge that has been very stressful.

Could it be ministry work that you are not seeing the fruit of your labour?

Are you married but actually it’s like you are single?

Is it that the effort you put is not commensurate with the income?

You need a peep into the future!

God showed Abraham what will happen in about 400 years to his descendants when he had no child-Gen15:13.

That doesn’t make sense at all!!! However, I know that vision keeps people alive.

Pr28:19 says where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish.

I know people will become what they see!!!

That is why I pray to God today that he will visit you and show you what will happen in this new phase of your life.

Don’t forget 2022 is the beginning of a new phase in your life.

Heb10:25 says let us not forsake our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encourage one another; as we see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching. Heb 10:25 AMP.

May the grace of our lord Jesus be with you.

If want to know what it means to be born again , then get in touch with me or email info@havenofglory.com.

You will have an encounter with the Word of God today!

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