our vision
Our vision is to develop the human Spirit, Soul and Body. Our foundation scripture is taken from 1Thessalonian5:23 (Msg).
May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!- 1Thessalonian5:23 (Msg)
- We will develop a true and genuine relationship with the Holy Spirit, depending on Him for everything as He leads us to worship the Father and the Son (John14)
- We will develop our Love relationship with God and each other and allow God’s love to be shed abroad in our hearts continually (Rm5:5)
- We will seek to live a life of Worship. We will give thanks to God in all things and praise his Holy name. Ps67:3-7)
- We will be a people that Pray to establish God’s purpose in the earth. 1Thessa5:17
- We will fulfill the mandate of making Disciples of all Nations. Matt28:20
- We will seek to develop people’s spiritual gifts and Callings and support them in fulfilling the purpose of God for their life. Eph1:18
Tangible outputs
- A place and environment for Spirit led worship with salvation, miracles, signs and wonders.
- A place of fellowship where godly and brotherly love can be felt and shared. We will put an effective Pastoral care and support system in place
- A system that will facilitate spiritual growth through bible study and daily devotions (The Mirror of the Word and Textword). Click here to watch the Mirror of the Word: click here
- A system that produces disciples, leaders and Pastors who will be released into their callings.
- Provision of support to missionaries and ministries operating in difficult areas.