Validate yourself with the MIRROR of the WORD (Textword270123)
by Haven of Glory | Jan 28, 2023 | Messages
I pray that you will see yourself the way God sees you so you won’t give up early. Don’t let people validate you. Let your creator through his word validate you. YOU ARE A WONDER!!! Many will cry if they make heaven. Some will cry because they went too...
by Haven of Glory | Jan 27, 2023 | Messages
Is the Bible really a mirror? How come people don’t see something in it when they read it. Someone said ” I started my TV ministry because I saw it in the Bible. Is there a TV ministry in the Bible? When your eyes are opened , you will see what others...
Encounter through “Giving”(TextWord”250123)
by Haven of Glory | Jan 25, 2023 | Messages
God will multiply every seed you have sown and increase your fruit of righteousness. Today’s message requires serious reflection and I am asking you to consider how you give going forward if you really want to get the full benefits of giving! DON’T give...
This story may bless you!
by Haven of Glory | Jan 24, 2023 | Messages
Always put your confidence in God. It’s only God that will never leave nor forsake you because the person who made the promise may not be there when it’s time to fulfil the promise. Please don’t take important decisions based on what someone said...
You will get your own! (Textword210124)
by Haven of Glory | Jan 21, 2023 | Messages
When we have feelings of dissastifactíon about anything , we pray but actually what we need to do is to talk to Jesus about it. We need to have conversation with the LORD about it just like we talk to family &friends about our situation and in most cases they are...