Always look at things from another perspective! (Textword261222).
by Haven of Glory | Dec 26, 2022 | Messages
May the Lord give you insight and enlarge your scope of understanding. A friend had a motorbike accident which affected one of the legs. I felt sorry for her but she simply smiled and said “Bukky, I am thankful because it could have been worse” This is why...
Be careful what you hear! (Textword241222).
by Haven of Glory | Dec 24, 2022 | Messages
The current situation in our lives is a product of the decisions taken based on what we’ve heard! The only person that will never lie is the HOLY SPIRIT but unfortunately most people don’t know him or how to hear from him. Whatever you hear DIRECTLY from...
It will become house of Bread! (Textword201222)
by Haven of Glory | Dec 20, 2022 | Bible Reading, Messages
Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. Bethlehem means “House of Bread and House of Fighter” Don’t be afraid to make that move, God will turn things around for you. Where you are going will become the HOUSE OF PROVISION! Joseph and Mary had to travel...
When you don’t have the right answer…….(Textword111222)
by Haven of Glory | Dec 11, 2022 | Messages
I pray you will not say what will complicate the issue when you are really fed up! Soft answer turns away wrath (Prov15:1)!!! God asked Ezekiel in a vision “Can these dry bones live” Ezekiel simply said ” Lord only you know the answer to that...
It’s a season of ENCOUNTERS!
by Haven of Glory | Dec 11, 2022 | Messages
When God is about to do something great, he visits people. Christmas period is not just a time for gifts , Chocolates , Christmas lights, Parties, carol. It’s actually a SEASON OF ENCOUNTERS. From Zacharias having a child at old age, Mary got pregnant without a...