Encounter through “Giving”(TextWord”250123)

January 25, 2023

God will multiply every seed you have sown and increase your fruit of righteousness.

Today’s message requires serious reflection and I am asking you to consider how you give going forward if you really want to get the full benefits of giving!

DON’T give without FAITH give less to people without FAITH.

Give what comes from your heart as led by the Holy Spirit and not what you are manipulated to give.

The reason some stopped giving is because there is no difference between them and those who don’t give.

If you give only to those who will give back to you , the best you will get is double but when you give to those who will talk to God about you, you will get hundred fold.

STOP giving to family and people who sees you as ATM and always want more from you.

I am not writing this because I desire a gift from you but because I want you to get benefits that comes from God through giving-Eph4:17-18.

There are gifts or offerings that does not abound to your HEAVENLY ACCOUNT-

Have you given to people who spent the money you gave them on things you can’t afford?

STOP giving to those who don’t give to others – they will STOP the blessing from flowing to you.

I gave tithes for many years and struggled financially because I did not give out of revelation and by FAITH.

Anything that is not done by FAITH is a SIN- Rom14:23.

See, you need to understand how giving works in order to have an ENCOUNTER through giving.

Your gift needs to rise up to God as an ODOUR of a SWEET SMELL, a SACRIFICE ACCEPTABLE, wellpleasing to God-Phil4:8.

When people THANK or PRAISE or WORSHIP God becuase of your giving , God will give MORE to you – This revelation is very important.

A wife told me ” I wake up every morning to thank God for my husband because of what he has done for me.” However, I know husbands that did much more for their wives and was not appreciated. This is the same for some wives too.

WAKE UP and STOP working for people who don’t appreciate you. Please don’t work for LABAN this year – someone who will change your wages 10 times.

Pray that God will lead you to give to an Angel this year.

These are people who because you gave to them, they will plead your case before God. Literally they will pray and fast on your behalf ( without your knowledge) because you were kind to them.

Let me give you an example.

The Shunamite woman made a guest room for Elisha after perceiving he was a MAN OF GOD. (2King4:8-17)
One day Elisha said (vs13) to the woman “Look, you have done your best to take care of us. What can we do for you?”

You need to start giving to people who will ask God to bless you becuase you gave to them.

Elisha prophesied and the woman had a child. Later on, the child died and Elisha prayed and the child came alive.

All these happened because the woman gave to the right person – someone who will talk to God on her behalf.

Jesus said, “If you give to a prophet, or a righteous man or a disciple because of him, you will get a reward (Matt10:41)

Consider how you give this year, give by FAITH and give to the POOR.

May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day

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