Flow with the appointed Time Pt1!

September 27, 2022

I pray that you will not do things that will make you miss the time of your manifestation.

Someone is in a state of denial. You have become so used to the challenge that you can’t be bothered again. When people want to talk about it you simply say “It’s not a problem”

I want to talk to 2 groups of people today.

One is like a woman in the Bible in 2King4. Elisha asked her what do you want she said “Nothing” What she didn’t know was that God sent a Prophet to her to help her. This woman had given up on having a child that she no longer want to talk about it. She believed the lies of the enemy that God doesn’t want to help her in that area.

Another person is like Sarah, the problem is biological time. They believe certain things can only be done at a particular age. Once that age is passed, it is over!

Sarah was in this state until the Angel of the Lord visited her. The Angel said ” At the appointed season, Nothing is impossible for God to do” Gen18:14.

My friend, you are in the appointed season for things to happen.

I know you have tried many times and have given up BUT this time there will be a breakthrough because this is your appointed season.

The SET TIME to favour you has come.

I want you to do what Sarah did. Heb11:11 said by “Faith Sarah received to conceive”.

She laughed in Gen18 when the Angel of God said she would have a child at 90 but she quickly cautioned herself and flowed with what God said.

I want you to flow with what God said to you and open your heart for God to work wonders through you.

You will have a beautiful story to tell in this season. For some, it will be days, some will be months and some will be in the next year.

Stay blessed.

Have a lovely day
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