From Bethlem to Moab! (Textword240623)

June 24, 2023

The Lord will visit you and give you his peace and abundant supply.

You will get a goods news this week. Something you’ve been waiting for will come through.

It is so true there is no new thing under the heaven.
Some of the things we do today are deeply rooted in the scriptures. For example, people moved to look for greener pastures.

That was what Elimelech, his wife and 2 sons did. They moved from Bethelehem (House of bread or provision) to the land of Moab.

Sometimes, things happenef in life to move us from where we are so we can be in allignment with God’s overarching purpose on earth.

God rules in the affairs of men on earth whether you believe it or not!

It’s not your fault you lost your job or close relative – you tried your best. However, you must start thinking about seeing what God is doing on earth – think about the bigger picture!!!

For example, God commanded 7 years famine (Ps105:16) in Egypt so what God told Abraham will come to pass. Without the famine, Jacob wouldn’t have move to Egypt and Joseph wouldn’t have become the Prime minister!

Please do horizon scanning to understand what is going on around you – check how external factors will affect your job and business.

So why was there a famine in the house of bread (Bethlehem)?

Lack of rain could be one of the reason.

Rain is the blessing that comes from heaven that make things grow without labour. Read Deut11:10 again.

God said in Lev26, Faithfully obey my laws, and I will send rain to make your crops grow and your trees produce fruit.

Wow! Obedience is key to having rain in it’s due season and when there is rain, there is abundant supply.

God said in Zec10:1, I, the Lord, am the one who sends showers of rain to make fields produce. So when the crops need rain, you should pray to me.

So when things are not going on as expected, PRAY for RAIN or move to a land that drinks from the dew of heaven.

Don’t move except God say so. However, whether you like it or not circumstance of life do move us.

Famine moved Elimelech to the land of Moab where Naomi met Ruth through her son.

Naomi returned back to Bethlehem without anything (lost husband and 2 sons) except Ruth who was worth more than 7 sons (Ruth4).

God comforted Naomi with Ruth.

May the Lord send you someone that will better than 7 people in your life and comfort you!

God will restore restore everything you’ve lost.

Have a lovely day!

God bless you.

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