Fulfilment of prophecies

August 5, 2022

I pray that the Lord will give you an understanding of what was written or declared before you were born that has come to pass or is yet to come to pass

This is an important revelation we don’t pay attention to.

Things don’t happen by accident!!!

My friend, there are things we don’t know that are impacting on our lives. I pray God will reveal things that are hidden to you.

Do you know most of the global warming issues are caused by natural events? We need to play our part though!

Peter said-The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. The heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat, the Earth also, the works shall be burned up. The heavens being on fire and the elements shall melt with fervent heat-2Pet3:10-12.

Are you surprised by the heat wave – it’s only going to get worse!

Prophet Joel said (Joel2), it shall come to pass that our sons and daughters shall prophesied and young men shall see visions. These are things that are meant to come to pass in our days but we are not experiencing it either because we don’t know or understand.

When you know and understand prophecies, you will do spiritual warfare.

The children of Israel had to pray before God sent Moses to deliver them even though God made a promise to Abraham about it 400 years before – Ex6:5.

Daniel prayed for the deliverance of the Jews when he understood the 70 years in desolation as prophesied by Jeremiah was complete- Dan9:2.

Elijah prayed earnestly for it to rain even though God told him it will rain-James5:17

Sometimes, knowing about prophecies is not enough, we need to pray for it to come to pass.

If you want to know what is going on around us now, read the scriptures.

Do you know we are going to have many prophet’s that will deceive people – Jesus said so in Matt24 so take heed that you are not deceived.

Paul said “UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear] -2 Tim 3:1.

Whoever says things will get better is lying!

Are you surprised that people are selfish, they will do anything to get money, children no longer honour their parents – read 2Tim3

Some things are happening because of spiritual atmosphere set by people ahead of us- see I know about Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law!

Please wake up and start asking God questions about how things are the way they are or about what will happen and what you need to do differently.

Please note I said “ask God yourself and search the scriptures and don’t be deceived by prophets”

May the Lord give you understanding.

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