His own rejected him! (Textword020323)

March 2, 2023

You will not labour in vain.

I pray you will not labour for people who will not appreciate you.

I pray you will will be spoiled with offers, jobs, contracts, business opportunities ……..

Actually someone reading this wants just one child after the stress of IVF, miscarriages and you have given up but you will get 2 boys! It will happen without stress!!!

When the disciple found Jesus after some time in Mk1:37, they said “Everyone is looking for you-they want you!”

I pray you will do things that will make people want you.

Hmm, when I then read John1:11, It says, “He came to that which belonged to Him [to His own-His domain, creation, things, world], and they who were His own did not receive Him and did not welcome Him”.

I learnt the following lessons that I want to share with you:
1. There will always be people who wants you. It’s important to know why people wants you. Some wants you because of what they will get from you, some becuase you have common grounds and some because …..please tell me
2.Don’t let people’s attention deprived you of your private time of fellowship with God. Jesus left the people to go and pray. Can you leave your friends or work to attend prayer meeting or Bible study?
3.Always remember other people wants you too. Don’t live and die for the same people! When Peter said “Everyone wants you, Jesus said , let us go to the other towns to preach”. Your calling is not just to family members and friends.
4.Hmmm, this is hard. The people you are sent to may actually reject you. Your family members may reject you. They rejected Jesus but followed him later.
5.Do much more for those who receive and accept you! That is the meaning of Jn1:12. God give power to those who received him to operate as his children.
6.Cast your bread on many waters Ecc11:1, this means , invest in many lives because you never know who God will use to continue where you stopped.

It’s been a long time I’ve heard from you, let me know how this messages are t trasforming your life and if you still want to continue to receive it.

May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day

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