Invest in multiple things! (Textword301222)

December 30, 2022

I pray that you will have an encounter that will move you to where you ought to be in Jesus name.

As 2022 draws to a close, I want to ask you a question.

What does your investment portfolio looked like in 2022?

Look at it this way – you go to work becuase there is no other means of paying your bills!

That must change in 2023! Prayerfully consider another source of income to fund at least 10% of your bills.

By doing that you will be fulfilling Ecc11:2.

It says “invest what you have in several different things. You don’t know what bad things might happen on earth” – Eccl11:2ERV.

What I want you to think about today is investment in people.

Most of us are investing only in our family and friends.

Prayerfully consider investing in people you don’t know in 2023.

The truth is you might be helping an Angel or a Prime Minister or a President without you knowing.

Please note I said “Prayerfully invest in people”

Mordecai invested in Esther’s life and she saved his life and that of the Jews!

Jonathan invested in David’s life and that act saved a member of Jonathan’s family ( Mephiboshet) from death.

I coached someone to pass a job interview and God use the person to provide a vital information for me later on.

Ecce11:6 says you don’t know what might make you rich.

Invest in different people, poor, rich, tall, short, white, black because you don’t know who will help you later on in life.

Let God use you to be a blessing to someone in 2023. If your kids have graduated, adopt a child that needs help.

If you don’t have parents, look for an uncle or aunty you can support monthly.

Show someone how you got a job or how you passed your exam. You will be amazed some people don’t know what you know.

You think you don’t have something, there is “a pot of oil” at your house that will pay your debt in 2023.

Support someone’s vision! Help someone fulfil their dream. Make them smile.

Look for a small Church that needs help and support the work of the kingdom of God. Do you know a Pastor is about to give up now because there is no labourer to harvest the field.

Read 1Sam30:9-18. God will lead you to help someone that will provide a useful information on how to recover everything you have lost.

May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day

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