Let God’s word grow in your heart! (Textword170723).

July 16, 2023

I pray that the Lord will give you the capacity to accept God’s word, believe and embrace it and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams.

Our live is a product of the word we received from God or people.

You are bitter or discouraged or encouraged because of what someone said.

My friend, whatever people say to you is subject to change.

However, you will live with the consequences of how what they said have affected you positively or negatively.

God’s word will never change – it will give you REST!

The gospel that was preached to us was also preached to people before us but those who heard it did not profit from it because it was not mixed with faith-Heb4.

FAITH is a process that produces result in our lives. Faith is not a subject in Christianity!

It start by receiving a word from God and allowing that word to change us.

For example: Heb4 says God’s word is a sword. However, a sword cannot cut through a stone (a hardened heart).

We need to open our heart to receive God’s word and let it change us.

Read this:
So be careful!
God’s message to us is alive and powerful.
It is like a sword that has two sharp edges. Even more than a sword, God’s message goes very deep into us.
It cuts between our soul and our spirit.

It is like a sharp knife that can cut deep into our body between our bones.
God’s message shows what we are really thinking. It shows what we really want -Heb 4:12EASY.

May God’s word show who you really are to you and help you change.

Have a lovely day!

God bless you.

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