Letter to the Church in Thyatira-Rev2:18-29

December 30, 2019

I know what you do. I know about your love, your faith, your service, and your patience. I know that you are doing more now than you did at first. But I have this against you: You let that woman Jezebel do what she wants. She says that she is a prophet, but she is leading my people away with her teaching.

When you let people do what they want especially when they are leading other people into sin, you are partaker in their sin and the Lord will not be happy. Watch more via this link https://youtu.be/Nyar_fzMWQw below on what the Lord said to this church and the key lessons we need to learn from it.

What they were doing well – I know what you do. I know about your love, your faith, your service, and your patience. I know that you are doing more now than you did at first

What he has against them -I have this against you: You let that woman Jezebel do what she wants. She says that she is a prophet, but she is leading my people away with her teaching. Jezebel leads my people to commit sexual sins and to eat food that is offered to idols. I have given her time to change her heart and turn away from her sin, but she does not want to change. So I will throw her on a bed of suffering. And all those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly. I will do this now if they don’t turn away from the things she does. I will also kill her followers. Then all the churches will see that I am the one who knows what people feel and think. And I will repay each of you for what you have done

What they need to do – But others of you in Thyatira have not followed her teaching. You have not learned the things they call ‘Satan’s deep secrets.’ This is what I say to you: I will not put any other burden on you. Only hold on to the truth you have until I come

The reward if they repent – I will give power over the nations to all those who win the victory and continue until the end to do what I want. They will rule the nations with an iron rod. They will break them to pieces like clay pots. They will have the same power I received from my Father, and I will give them the morning star. Everyone who hears this should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches

Link to the videohttps://youtu.be/Nyar_fzMWQw


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