The Lord will give you a word that will move you from where you are to where you ought to be.
Remember, “There will be a RESET this year. Something SIGNIFICANT that will become a reference point will happen”
We were created by words. Infact , the earth was created and being sustained by words.
You are where you are today because of what someone said to you.
Eating rice everyday is not good they say. However, God fed over 600, 000 people with the same food “Manna” for 40 years.
Why would God do such a thing?
Moses said in Deut8:3 that God fed children of Israel with “Manna -same food” for 40 years to humble them so that they know it is not just bread that keeps people alive.
People’s lives depend on what the Lord says.
There are some key lessons from this Manna story in Ex16;
1. They must gather it daily. It must be fresh. Yesterday's manna is not good today. The children of Israel tried to store it but it got spoil. YOU NEED A WORD FROM GOD DAILY.
2.Each person must go out and collect his own. This is important. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR OWN WORD from God. This devotional and others are good. However, you need a personal REVELATION (A WORD FROM THE LORD). GOD will definately do what he says to you because he cannot LIE. You cannot rely on what God said to you through another person ( Spiritual leader) becuase it might not be the whole truth.
When Jesus said “Give us this day our daily Bread” he wasn’t really refering to physical bread but something that will provide physical , spiritual and emotional sustenance for tommorow. It’s only WORDS that can do that. Words will make you find food, cook and eat and you can loose your appetite for food becuase of what someone said.
Prov4:22 says God’s word are life to those who find them and MEDICINE to their soul. If you don’t want to be sick “Read the Scriptures and Get a word from God”
Ps119:105 says “By your words I can see where I am going”
May the Lord you an idea and the wisdom that will transform your life and those around you.
May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day
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