My body is real food for your spirit and my blood is real drink

March 19, 2020

In this season Christians have promoted what the Health experts said about Corona virus than what God said in his word. We talk more about the created than the CREATOR!

People spend money to buy sanitiser but don’t spend time in writing God’s word in their heart. Proverbs 3:8 (AMP) says God’s word will be health to your body [your marrow, your nerves, your sinews, your muscles-all your inner parts] and refreshment (physical well-being) to your bones

I have not come across a posts, texts or chats that talked about communion and it’s power (This is what we should be sharing).  I got another revelation about the Lord’s super about two years ago and recommended it to our church members and I am glad many of them now take it daily based on their own personal revelation. Many today don’t even know they can take communion on their own.

Let’s carefully study the words of Jesus, (please open your heart and let the Holy spirit write it in your heart).

John 6:53-57 (TPT) Jesus replied to them, “Listen to this eternal truth: Unless you eat the body of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have eternal life. 54 Eternal life comes to the one who eats my body[a] and drinks my blood, and I will raise him up in the last day. 55 For my body is real food for your spirit and my blood is real drink. 56 The one who eats my body and drinks my blood lives in me, and I live in him. [b] 57 The Father of life sent me, and he is my life. In the same way, the one who feeds upon me, I will become his life.

Why don’t you take his body and blood today and experience the healing power of Jesus. A daily dose of communion taken by faith will ensure you don’t come down with sickness

Before the communion

Lord Jesus, bless this  bread and drink in the name of Jesus.  I declare that this bread represents your body that was broken for me and this drink represent your blood that was shed for me on the cross of Calvary. Lord you said in John6:53-58 that those who eat your body and drink your blood have eternal life and you will raise them up on the last day.  I believe your body is true food, and your blood is true drink.  As I eat your body and drink your blood now, I believe you are living in me and I am living in you. I live because of you since you said everyone who eats you will live because of you. I celebrate your death and resurrection and I am doing this in remembrance of you.

After taking the communion.

I declare that I have the life of Christ.  My Conscience, mind and thoughts are purged by the blood of Jesus. I clear away and wipe out every offense, accusation, bitterness, pain, hurt, worries, pictures or memories of the past that worries me by the blood of Jesus.  I fill my mind with the love of God, his kindness, mercy, peace and I have the joy of the holy ghost.

I have a new status by the blood of Jesus, I am precious and will be accorded due respect today. I am living in the blood zone, therefore I am protected from all evil.


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