Please pray for UTTERANCE! (Textword101223).

December 10, 2023

There are two things that move people to act:

  1. What they see, and
  2. What they hear.

Spoken words are more powerful because you can paint a picture with words for people to see!

Most people fail interviews because they say the wrong things, not because they are not good.

People will fall for someone with sweet words 100 times.

That is the brain behind marketing – they say what will make you buy before you think!

You invested because they said you will get 50% in 7 days. You forgot the best bank will only give 6% in a year.

You watched the video because of the caption!

I wish the money-back guarantee law applies to everything in life.

Some people would have claimed back from their Friend, Spouse, Prophets, Imams, Employers, Sellers, Buyers…

A musician said, ‘If the lyrics make sense, people will not listen to it; make the lyrics appeal to their emotions, and you will get 1 million views.’

That is some truth!

Why this epistle from me today?

You need to learn to say the right words if you want to be successful in life.

See, prayers don’t have to be very long if you know the right words. Jesus said, “Your heavenly father knows what you need before you ask” (Matt 6:8).

People give to those who know how to speak the RIGHT WORDS to get things from them.

I have sat on several interview panels, and I know the final decision is based on what the candidate said!

Sometimes, kind acts are not good enough. You give your best to some people, and they choose someone whose words move them, even though it’s obvious they are being manipulated. It’s important to understand words that captivate people.

UTTERANCE is the ability to speak appropriate words! These are words that make Angels and men do what you want.

Most of us don’t know utterance is a gift from the Holy Spirit.

On the day of Pentecost, the first thing the Holy Ghost did was to take control of the disciples’ tongue (Acts2:4) and then make them say what would make people gather unto them.

In your next interview or presentation, have faith that the Lord will grant you impactful words that set you apart.

In Acts 2, speaking in tongues made the people gathered. The Holy Spirit inspired Peter to speak words that got 3,000 people saved in a day!

If you want to be effective in life, pray for UTTERANCE – the ability to speak the RIGHT words!

I am Bukky Adeosun, desiring sincere growth in everyone’s knowledge of God.

Peace be unto you!

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  1. Pray for us for UTTERANCE!
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