Praying or complaining?

August 6, 2022

May the Holy Spirit give you the right words to say in prayer so that your prayers can be effective and make tremendous power available.

My friend we need to understand how prayer works!

I want to tell you the story of a father (Abraham) and son (Isaac) with the same problem but got different results.

They both had problems with child bearing.
The average age for having first child after the flood was around 33.

However, Terah had his first child (Abraham) at 70 and died at 205. According to the scriptures he was the last person to die at age above 200. Please let me know if my numbers are wrong.

We were not told about the wealth of the people before Abraham but he was rich in cattle , gold and silver.

At 75, he didn’t have a child. He considered himself very old. To me I wouldnt say he was old because people before him died above 200.

However, problems sometimes can make one look old, as in very old!

The first time Abram talked to God about a child was a complain. He said, “Lord GOD, there is nothing you can give me that will make me happy, because I have no son. My slave Eliezer from Damascus will get everything I own after I die.”-Gen 15:2 ERV.

That is what most people are doing today. We complain – all my mates have kids, job, cars, … but I don’t.

Jesus said in Mk11:23 – speak to the mountain. It didn’t say complain about the mountain. Speak to the pain in your body and stop complaining. Call your job, spouse , children in and stop complaining!

What I don’t understand is why Sarah kept quiet when they didn’t have a child.

Woman, you can do something about the situation. Don’t allow things to drag on – however do it God’s way and not Sarah’s way so there won’t be another Ishmael!

My friend, you need to know your family history and take a stand against what you don’t want to repeat itself in your life. Just because high blood pressure runs in the family doesn’t mean you should have it!

Rebecca did something different. Realising her husband could be like her father – have a child at 100, I’m sure she cried to her husband when he was 59 to do something like Rachel told Jacob ” Give me a child or I died” Gen30:1.

I know Rebecca moved her husband to pray for a child because she was the one who went to enquire from the lord when there was a problem with the pregnancy.

So Isaac prayed and the first time it was recorded Isaac prayed to God was for a child.

Gen25:21 says And Isaac prayed much to the Lord for his wife because she was unable to bear children; and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife became pregnant.

Please don’t marry a man that cannot pray and if you have a husband that cannot pray you need to pray so your husband can pray.
Get counseling if you need one!

Fathers, train your sons to pray and not fight!
There are certain battle than only men can deal with. They are not just the head of the family but spiritual head, as in Pastor of the family!

God bless you for reading this.

Please send comments to us on how these messages are blessing you and what you want us to do differently.
Have a lovely day!

May the Lord give you understanding.

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