Prepare for the coming of Lord!

June 8, 2021

May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together-spirit, soul, and body-and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ.

Yes, the Lord will save. However, some will enter into his rest.

Do not say “But why Lord ?”, it is not the time to be discouraged or look back.
Be strong and don’t look back like Lot’s wife.

Join the company of people that are waiting for the Lord’s coming.

The time is ready!
“Everything is ready” says the Lord.

Don’t live like people who don’t understand the time and seasons.

Wake up you that are sleeping!!!
Stop thinking about yourself and start doing what the Lord says.
He is looking into your heart!

I felt sick, very very sick. At a point I some was taking my breath away and I was fighting to stay on.
I really felt like I was going and I said in my heart, I cannot just go like this. There is work to do for you Lord!

So, I was lying in my bed (very unusual to sleep early) , hoping to get better and then I slept.

In my dream I saw something terrifying :
I saw an ARMY, they are a very strong army, moving within their ranks, with weapons that cannot be described.

Honestly, I don’t know how I can describe what I saw in my dreams. Many came out and said “what is this, what kind of a thing is this? “
What I saw was terrifying and I don’t know how to describe it.

Then I woke up and heard the word, the day of the Lord is at hand!

Then the spirit of supplication came on me and I prayed for everyone.

Then I heard, “Moses must give way to Joshua” .

And he said, I will save, but many shall come into my rest and do not say “But why Lord?” Be Strong and look forward!

Friends, start living for the Lord.
Stop labouring for that which will perish.

Say to those who are panicking: “Be strong!
Don’t fear!
Here’s your God, coming with vengeance; with divine retribution God will come to save you.”

A highway will be there. It will be called The Holy Way.
The unclean won’t travel on it, but it will be for those walking on that way.
Even fools won’t get lost on it; no lion will be there, and no predator will go up on it.
None of these will be there; only the redeemed will walk on it.
The LORD’s ransomed ones will return and enter Zion with singing, with everlasting joy upon their heads. Happiness and joy will overwhelm them; grief and groaning will flee away.
Isaiah 35:4‭, ‬8‭-‬10 CEB

Come Lord Jesus!

If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ or rededicate your life, please get in touch with me.

I pray you will receive the wisdom to live well and live longer today in Jesus name.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Have a wonderful day.
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