Rejoice your name is written in Heaven

January 6, 2022

Rejoice your name is written in heaven!

I thank God for his great plans towards us. I thank God for your life because you are part of that plan!

Thank you for reading “Textword” posts this year.

The Lord wants me to conclude our series in 2021 by telling you a story.

One day the trees decided to choose a king to rule over them and they asked Olive,Fig and Vine to be their king.

The Olive Tree told them, “Am I no longer good for making oil that gives glory to gods and men, and to be demoted to waving over trees?”

The fig tree said, “Am I no longer good for making sweets, My mouthwatering sweet fruits, and to be demoted to waving over trees?”

The Vine said, “Am I no longer good for making wine, Wine that cheers gods and men, and to be demoted to waving over trees?” Judges 9:7-13 MSG.

When you know your purpose, other things becomes secondary!

If the trees know why they were created and won’t abandon their purpose so others could praise them – how much more us?

If you don’t know your purpose you will do whatever people asked you to do and still not be satisfied.

What is your purpose in life?

Please don’t go through the same vicious circle of, go to school, work, get married, have children, grandchildren, retire and then die!

God created you to do something for him. Ask God to show you your purpose?

We have done many great things in 2021. However, it is only what God asked us to do for his kingdom that counts.

Jesus said to the disciples: Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven Luk10:20.

If want to know what it means to be born again , then get in touch with me or email

You will have an encounter with the Word of God today!

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