I pray that you will have an encounter that will make you worship God in a new way and with a new name!
Heb11 says “Through faith Sarah received strength to conceive at Old age”.
When we study the Scriptures , you will understand that the people we adored and followed their footsteps were weak in faith at a point in their lives BUT GOD helped them.
Catholics believed so much in Peter but he denied Jesus 3 times, Jesus even called him “Satan” (Matt16)
Most of the Psalms we read today was written by David ( the adulterer and Murder)
Elijah actually left his servant at a point and ran away and pleaded for God to take his life but God found him and helped him 1King18.
Don’t write off anyone because Rom14 says God is able the raise people up when they fail.
James 5 even says God will forgive and heal when a prayer of Faith is said.
Sarah actually GAVE UP on God BUT God visited her to HELP her.
The Lord will visit you and help you!
Let’s look at her story.
- In Gen16 she said to her husband, “The Lord has restrained me from having children so marry my servant (Hagar) to raise children for us”
How she came to this conclusion I don’t know because God did not say so.
When things don’t happen as we expect, we say things like ” Maybe God doesn’t want me to have it” . If God doesn’t want you to have something , he will tell you so STOP saying what God did not say!.
When someone die, we say “God allowed it”
Really!!! How did we know?
Did God said to you he allowed it?.
The problem sometimes is we don’t know how to have a conversation with God. Some don’t know God can talk.
2. In Gen17 , God visited Abraham to raise him up ( Abraham didn't hear God for 14 years - the period Ishmael came into his life). Before I go on , some people or even job will come into your life and because of them, God will ignore you for a moment! You were hearing God before but now you've lost your fellowship with God. I pray that the Lord will restore you back in Jesus name.
3.In Gen17, God visited Abram again but I believe they actually came because of Sarah. After the Angels ate, they said "Where is Sarah?" Gen17:9. The Angel said Sarah will have a child at age 90. Hmmm, Sarah laughed and said," I am too old to have a child"
God responded to Abram and said ” Why did your wife say I am too old and cannot have a child, IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD TO DO? Gen17:13-14
My friend ” With God all things are possible”.
Peace be unto you!
My name is Bukky Adeosun and I want you to grow in the knowledge of God.
Have a wonderful day!
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