I pray that the Lord will help you understand how to receive and give honour and how this impact on so many things in life.
If we want more love, then we need to give love!
Love gives! God gave us his best – His only Son Jesus Christ!
When people say they don’t have time or they consistently forgot to do something for you, just know you are not a priority.
That is my conclusion and the holy book say so too!!!
We find time for what is a priority to us including watching Netflix!
A leader that honours his followers will protect and care for them.
We do things for people and God because we need help – that is not honour!
Most of our prayers is about what we want from God, what about what God wants?
When you honour your leaders- Pastors and Bosses, you will get more from them – I am not talking about just doing your job well or giving to the church, I mean honour(give) to your leaders.
Scriptures says “Thou shall not muscle the Ox that thread the corn” 1Tim5:18
It’s ok to give your Pastor money or buy your boss a coffee – Try it and you will get a different result!!
Honour your parents is the first commandment with a blessing attached to it.
When you honour your children, they will take care of you when you are old.
People will tell you their secrets when you honour them!!!
Don’t marry someone that doesn’t honour you and if you are in a relationship where you are not honoured, may the Lord help you but you need counseling!
If you honour a lady, you won’t be sleeping with her without marrying her. Why drink the milk without paying for the cow?
We pay attention to religious activities like prayers/giving/ attending fellowship and not honour.
God says, ” I will honour those who honour me”1Sam2:30.
One of the reason we don’t get things quickly from God is because we don’t really honour him. We are just interested in getting things from him.
You can give God and people and still not honour them. You do it out if obligation and not honour!
David only expressed a thought in his heart to build a house for God and an everlasting covenant was established by God because of that act from David.
The thought matters most when it comes to honouring people.
You forgot your spouse birthday and you claimed you honour them – seriously!
Sending texts through social media is good but calling or visiting people actually shows you honour them!
Yes, I know your uncle or aunty is rich but they deserve some honour and respect too!
Today, I want to talk about how to make God and people remember you forever!
Honour them!!!
Mary poured an Alabaster box of oil worth a year’s wage on Jesus and then wiped Jesus’s feet with her hair. John12, Matt26
Some said it was a waste but Jesus said they should leave her because she has done an important thing. Jesus said “Mary’s name will mentioned anywhere the gospel is preached because of the act”
Jesus said something that caught my attention. He said, “Mary did this in preparation for my burial” In other she honoured Jesus while he was alive.
Let’s honour people when they are alive!
Buy flowers for people when they are alive and not at their funeral!!!
God bless you. Have a wonderful day!
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