Under the grace of a Prophet? (Textword090923).

September 9, 2023

My post today is very controversial but it’s a wake up call. STOP depending on people especially “Prophets” , spiritual leaders and others.

STIR UP the gifts of God in you and impact your generation!

Do you realise some do things to make you depend on them and then manipulate?

Please teach people how to fish, don’t make them depend on you!

God wants everyone to know him and he said: “None of them will have to teach their friends or tell their neighbors, ‘Know the Lord.’ For they will all know me, from the least to the greatest. Heb 8:10-11GNT.

Do you believe this?

A lot of people today are going by what their religious leader says and not what they heard from God.

We now consults Pastors, Prophet’s,Imam….. like our fathers consulted mediums and herbalist.

People are more interested in what they can get through God rather than knowing God and what he can do through them!

When was the last time you attended a fellowship where you study the Bible together for 90minutes – i am not talking about Pastor preaching. I meant you were all focused on the scriptures to see and hear what the Holy Spirit will say.

There is a VOICE behind the Scriptures!

Most people worship without the knowledge of God.

I have a friend that prays 5 times daily and I ask the question what did God say? – I didn’t get an answer.

Some spent all night praying but can’t tell us what God said. Is prayer now a MONOLOGUE?

Why are we worshiping God that cannot talk to us or we can’t hear what he is saying?

Some even speak in TONGUES but don’t actually know the Holy Spirit.

Jesus specifically said : The Holy Spirit will show us things – why are things happening ( people dying!) and we don’t even know?. Jn16:13.

We pay for things that have been freely given to us – things that the Holy Spirit would have shown us FOC!

Jesus did not hand over the disciples to the Apostles when he left. He handed them over to the Holy Spirit.

It’s time to renew our FELLOWSHIP with the Holy Spirit and let him lead us to worship and do things in life!

We studied Gen11-14 and observed that Lot benefited from the grace of God on Abraham and became rich .
However, nothing suggested that he built a personal altar to worship God like Abraham did.

His choice of going to dwell near Sodom was based on what he can see (prospect and opportunities) and not what God said.

If he had a relationship with God, he would have been told that Sodom looks very good now but it has been earmarked for destruction!

My friend, it’s time to wake up! Understand the signs and seasons for the days are evil.

May the Lord deliver US from wicked people. All men do not have faith!

May the Lord give you wisdom.

You will find love this month.

Have a wonderful day!

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