What do you have faith in ?(Textword210723).

July 22, 2023

Everyone has faith in something!

Faith is what makes people do something consistently!

Faith in TextWord will make you read this post to the end!

I am going to make us think outside the box today.

We have read Heb11 more than 12 times at our Bible study this month and now I see Faith from a different perspectives.

When you think about faith, don’t just think about having “Faith in God” because you and I know we have faith in other things apart from God.

What you do when you have a slight headache tells us what you have faith in?

You talked to your pastor, parents, friend, cousin when something happened because you have faith in them more than the HOLY SPIRIT!

How often do you even talk to the Holy Spirit? The best mentor is the Holy Spirit!!!

People have faith in government, politicians, pets, investment, people, things, processes, policies, organisation…….

Now I understand why a Muslim colleague prays 5 times daily and why some people drinks olive oil or holy water.

Jesus said ” Have Faith in God” (Mk11) becuase people have more faith in other things than God.

Faith makes you gets into a relationship and separation sets in when there is doubt!
What you say makes people have faith or doubt in you!

Don’t waste your time with people who don’t have faith in you.

However, you can trust God because he has faith in you always- come back to him today!

Before you say I have backslided, follow my logic till the end, after all God said (Isa1:18), come let us reason together!

Faith is a force that makes people do what they do and get what they want in life!

The scripture is so true, Faith comes by hearing and hearing ……(Rom10:17)

You will develop faith in what you hear consistently.

The reason you don’t have faith in Jesus is because you have not heard enough about him.

If you want to stop or start something in your life , check what you are hearing. If you go to a place where they always talk about demons, you will always have bad dreams!

If all you’ve been told is about job security you will not think of having something that can give you money while you are sleeping.

People forget the reward of faithfulness in another man’s business is having your own. Whether you like it or not, one day they will retire you!

Your 5 senses speaks to you and get you to the point where you believe something and that is what you have faith in.

See, the reason you travel far to see a prophet is because you have faith in him based on the testimonies you’ve heard and not necessarily because you have faith in God. God can meet you wherever you are!

Some of us are in the profession we are today because of what our parents consistently said to us or what we heard from other people.

You are using or want a particular car not because it is the best for you but you believe becuase of what you heard, develop your faith to get the car and you got it.

Faith is not just for Christians, it is for everyone and everything on earth.

Check what you have faith in?

You cannot not please God if you don’t have faith in him.Heb11:6

Yes, you cannot please people or get the best from them if you don’t have faith in them.

Stop hanging around people who don’t have faith in you.

Hope you are blessed with this post.

God bless you.

Have a lovely day!

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