I pray that your eyes will be opened to see, your ears will be open to hear and you will get understanding ( comprehension, discernment and insight) on how things work and produce a different result – Matt13:12TPT
A blind person is someone with an open eye but cannot see more than natural things. Most of us are actually blind!.
Tell me, how can one catch COVID virus if you can see it. There are many things affecting us that we cannot see. May the Lord open your eyes to see what is hidden from you.
Understand your personality and your learning style.
Understand how you get things done. Understand how God speaks to you and develop how you can hear better.
Reflect on when you have made a difference in your personal life , what did you do differently?
LEARN what works for you and not what works for others.
I listen to an athletics world record holder (Tobi Amusan) interview on how she gets result.
She said ” I have my game plan , go on the track and execute my plan and leave the rest to God”
She said ” I think more about executing my plan well than the outcome”
Most of us think God will do everything without us having a plan!
IF YOU DONT HAVE a plan, you’ve already planned to FAIL!
So what is your Game plan to deal with the issues of life?
I was told by a chief executive of an oil company ” In this company we spend years to plan so we can understand the problem, what needs to be done, risks and issues and then spend months to implement”
Hmmmmm, UNDERSTANDING is the KEY to OUTSTANDING results!
Do you know our life is a product of what is in our hearts? Don’t believe what people say, watch what they do!
Prayer only doesn’t change things “Understanding leads to Repentance – change of heart”
You can either continue to depend on a Pastor to pray for you or get understanding of how prayer works.
So what is your “Game plan?”
What are your plan to get out of debt – if you don’t stop buying things out on credit – especially things that are not assets , you will not get out of debt.
If you don’t have a plan to increase in spiritual knowledge you will depend on people to solve most problems of life?
May the LORD give you UNDERSTANING!
Please read the story of the parable of the sower- Matt13:1-17(TPT). I read it 4 times today to get understanding!
Have a lovely day
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