When you don’t have the right answer…….(Textword111222)

December 11, 2022

I pray you will not say what will complicate the issue when you are really fed up!

Soft answer turns away wrath (Prov15:1)!!!

God asked Ezekiel in a vision “Can these dry bones live”

Ezekiel simply said ” Lord only you know the answer to that question!”

Dry bones represent situations with NO HOPE.

Let me explain to you what happened.
The people died, were buried and their flesh decayed and the only things left after many days in the grave was their dry bones

It takes an average of 10 – 15 years for a dead body to decompose into skeleton.

Technically, God was telling Ezekiel “Can people who were buried 15 years ago come back to life?”

Can a womb that has not carry pregnancy in last 10 years gave birth?

Can someone who has struggled in the past 15 years have a break through?

Can a marriage that has not notked in 15 years work?

Can you laugh and be happy after 15 years of stress, agony and labour?

It is better to pray in Tongues when you don’t know what to say in prayers so you don’t pray in unbelief!

Unbelief is a great sin that can STOP God!!!

The children of Israel were in exile when God gave Ezekiel this PROPHECY in a vision!

They were scattered all over the world and were also divided

However, God said” I will visit their grave , bring them out and make them live again as one big family Eze37).

The Lord will visit you and make you WHOLE!

The Lord will give you words that will turn things around!!!

God used Ezekiel to make dry bones live again through prophetic words,

God will give you Holy Spirit inspired words that will bring to life every dead situations.

You will shout a BIG HALELUYAH unconsciously before the end of 6 months.

You will say “The Lord has done great things for me and I am GLAD!”

Yes, God will visit you , bring you out of shame, guilt, debt, sickness and give you garment of PRAISE!

If you have time please watch my message on “Seasons of encounter” via this link.

May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day

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