I pray that you will personally experience God, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit this year. You will experience the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead!
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are human beings like us.
They did not go to places of worship as much as we are doing today, some have no Pastors , Prophet or IMAM.
But we are still reading about their stories. Infact, some have made a career out of their stories and some have become rich because of their stories.
I am yet to read about where Abraham prayed and fasted for wealth but he was very rich. Same for Isaac and Jacob!
We are reading about them because they had an “ENCOUNTER WITH GOD”
An ENCOUNTER is a SUPERNATURAL EVENT that will change the way you do things and set you on a new path. ENCOUNTER LEADS TO TRANSFORMATION!
Gen12:7 says “And Abraham built an ALTAR to God who has APPEARED to HIM”
Abraham built a place of worship for God 3 times based on Encounter! We need to ask ourselves the question – why am I worshiping God?
You need to pray for an Encounter and not MIRACLES for an encounter with God will produce miracles.
However, one can have miracles without an encounter!.
There were no records of the first 75 years of Abraham in the Bible. He had the second encounter at 75 and that was when his real life ( the one we are reading about today) started.
From 75 to 100 years, Abraham had 5 encounters in 10 years, NONE in 14 years and 2 in one year!
Let’s read some of the encounters
- Gen12:1 – God said to him, move from where you are (Haran) to where I will show you.
- Gen12:7 God appeared to him ” I will give you this land” He then built an ALTAR to worship God.
3.Gen12:15 God confirmed what he said earlier to Abraham , I will give this land to you forever and your descendants will inherit it! - Gen14:18 – Abraham met with Melchisedek (a type of Jesus), took communion and paid tithe.
5.Gen15:1 God said to him , Fear Not! Showed him what will happened to his children 400 years later when he had no child.
- Gen12:7 God appeared to him ” I will give you this land” He then built an ALTAR to worship God.
May the Lord give you understanding, personal encounter and hope!
Have a lovely day
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